Wednesday, January 29, 2020

This is Britain Essay Example for Free

This is Britain Essay The Romans were in Britain until the beginning of 5. And the south-eastern part of the island were much Romanized. It was formed by five municipalities in the Roman style: Kamulodunum (now Colchester), Verulamium (St. Albans), Lindum (Lincoln), Glevum (Gloucester) and Eborakum (York). All but Verulamiuma, were military settlements. Other cities were founded as centers of areas. In architecture and urban planning, they followed the Roman models, as well as villas, being built in rural areas. There is evidence that the influence of Roman civilization was subjected to a more simple and popular culture. Particularly important role here played by a network of roads built by the Romans primarily for military purposes, but bring together the various parts of the province into a coherent whole. The main occupation of the population was agriculture and sheep breeding, distribution and production of metals has received, primarily silver and lead, less iron and tin. Barbarian invasions in the late 4. forced the Romans to abandon its presence in the remote north-western province. In the north and west of South Roman occupation of Britain was no longer wore military and civilian populations in the south and east were not numerous. By 410 all communication between the empire and Britain ceased, and Britt, lost the habit of fighting over the centuries its dependence on the Romans were forced to defend themselves. Royal power was abolished on Feb. 7, 1649, a week later was formed the State Council of 41 members. England was proclaimed a republic. Nine months of the war, marked sparingly massacre led to the subordination of most of Ireland. This was followed by the confiscation of three-quarters of Irish land, which was distributed to creditors of the republic and the army ranks. They were indignant scorn of the British Parliament for their protest in connection with the execution of the king and now invited to the heir to the throne of Charles I (later Charles II) as the King Presbyterian. The Scottish army invaded England in 1651, was cut off from supplies, and the following year was proclaimed the accession of Scotland to England. At the same time Britain was at war with Holland, which lasted from 1652 to 1654. Now Britain very famous country. The capital of Great Britain is London. Its popular city. He divided for two parts. The first part is London, second called the City. And London famous financial district. I advise you to visit the London!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

King Lear as a Commentary on Greed Essay -- King Lear essays

King Lear as a Commentary on Greed   Ã‚   In Chapter 4 of a book titled Escape from Freedom, the famous American psychologist Erich Fromm wrote that "Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction" (Fromm 98).   Fromm realized that avarice is one of the most powerful emotions that a person can feel, but, by its very nature, is an emotion or driving force that can never be satisfied.   For, once someone obtains a certain goal, that person is not satisfied and continues to strive for more and more until that quest leads to their ultimate destruction.   For this reason, authors have embraced the idea of greed in the creation of hundreds of characters in thousands of novels.   Almost every author has written a work centered around a character full of avarice. Ian Fleming's Mr. Goldfinger, Charles Dickens' Scrooge, and Thomas Hardy's John D'Urberville are only a few examples of this attraction.   But, perhaps one of the best exampl es of this is found in William Shakespeare's King Lear.   Edmund, through his speech, actions, and relationships with other characters, becomes a character consumed with greed to the point that nothing else matters except for the never-ending quest for status and material possessions.    Edmund, the bastard son of Gloucester, embodies the idea of avarice from the very beginning of the play almost until the end.   In fact, Edmund seems to become more and more greedy as the production progresses.   When Edmund is first introduced in person on stage, after a short exposition of his character by Gloucester and Kent in the first scene, the audience immediately finds Edmund engaged in a plot to strip his father's inheritance from his... ...gain his freedom from this addiction.   And only through his life and death does Shakespeare paint a picture to which anyone can relate and a picture on which everyone must act.    Works Cited and Consulted "Fromm, Erich." The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations.   CD-ROM. New York: Columbia UP, 1998. Harbage, Alfred. " King Lear: An Introduction." Shakespeare: The Tragedies: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood: Prentice-Hall, 1964: 113-22. Knight, Wilson. "King Lear and the Comedy of the Grotesque." Shakespeare: The Tragedies: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Prentice-Hall, 1964: 123-38. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. New York: Scholastic, 1970. Shakespeare, William. "King Lear: A Conflated Text." The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York:    W.W. Norton & Co., 1997. 2479-2553.   

Monday, January 13, 2020

Child Psych

Which of the following is a basic emotion? A. guilt B. happiness C. pride D. embarrassment Answer Key: B Question 2 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) One of the first signs of fear in an infant often occurs when they A. see scary scenes on television. B. are approached by an unfamiliar adult. C. are picked up by a familiar adult. D. have an interesting toy or favorite food taken away. Answer Key: B Question 3 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Self-conscious emotions don't usually emerge until A. 9 to 12 months of age. B. 18 to 24 months of age. C. 4 to 6 months of age. D. to 3 years of age. Answer Key: B Question 4 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Nine-month-old Jack sees a cat for the first time. As the cat approaches him, Jack looks toward his mother to see how she reacts to the cat. Jack uses his mother's emotions to determine his response to the cat, a tool known as A. basic emotions. B. complex referral. C. social referencing. D. display rules. Answer Key: C Question 5 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) During the elementary school years, children A. become less likely to modify their behavior according to other people? s emotions. B. egin to realize that people can have â€Å"mixed feelings. † C. have a growing understanding of emotions, that appears to be unrelated to their social relationships. D. show little change in understanding the emotions of others. Answer Key: B Question 6 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Emotional regulation begins in A. toddlerhood. B. the elementary school years. C. infancy. D. the preschool year. Answer Key: C Question 7 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Adriana often cries, responds intensely to new situations, does not have regular eating and sleeping schedules, and is very active. Adriana most closely fits Thomas and Chess's __________ temperament classification. A. slow-to-warm-up. B. sociable. C. difficult. D. easy. Answer Key: C Question 8 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The element of temperament called effortful control is defined as A. the extent to which a child is irritable, easily distresses, and is prone to anger. B. the amount of physical and motor activity in a child's daily situations. C. the extent to which a child can focus on one activity and can hold herself back from doing inappropriate things. D. he extent to which a child expresses pleasure, enthusiasm, and contentment. Answer Key: C Question 9 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Although temperament is very stable in the first few months of life, it is not at all stable later in life. B. Temperament in childhood is only moderately related to adult personality traits. C. Temperament during the preschool years is not related to temperament later in life. D. Temperament during the preschool years is strongly related to temperament later in life. Answer Key: B Question 10 of 15 Temperamentally persistent children A. are likely to succeed in school. B. disobey their parents so they can get their own goals. C. are likely to comply with parent's requests of them. D. are more prone to disappointment and embarrassment. Answer Key: A Question 11 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The evolutionary psychological view of attachment is that it A. is learned through reinforcement and punishment. B. was important to human evolution but has no value in modern society. C. is the result of the resolution of conflicts that are centered on various parts of the body. D. ncreases the infant's likelihood of survival. Answer Key: D Question 12 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The infant singles out the attachment figure at approximately what age? A. 1 year B. four weeks C. 7 months D. 2 months Answer Key: C Question 13 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) When one-year-old Hayley's mother left her in an unfamiliar room, Hayley cried. When her mother returned, Hayley wante d to be held for a minute but then wanted to get down and play. Hayley appears to have a(n) __________ attachment to her mother. A. resistant B. secure C. disorganized D. avoidant Answer Key: B Question 14 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) A set of expectations about parents' availability and responsiveness, generally and in times of stress is known as A. attachment in the making B. reciprocal relationships C. an emotional base D. internal working model Answer Key: D Question 15 of 15 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) When children go to day care, the single most important factor related to secure attachment is A. the amount of time the child spends in day care. B. the quality of the child care. C. the age when the child began day care. D. the quality of parenting. Answer Key: D

Sunday, January 5, 2020

10 Ways to Reduce College Stress

At any given point in time, most college students are stressed about something; its just part of going to school. While having stress in your life is normal and often unavoidable, being stressed is something you can control. Follow these ten tips to learn how to keep your stress in check and how to relax when it gets to be too much. 1. Dont Stress About Being Stressed This may seem ridiculous at first, but it is listed first for a reason: when youre feeling stressed, you feel like youre on edge and everything is barely being held together. Dont beat yourself up too badly about it! Its all normal, and the best way to handle stress is to not get more stressed about...being stressed. If youre stressed out, admit it and figure out how to handle it. Focusing on it, especially without taking action, will only make things seem worse. 2. Get Some Sleep Being in college means your sleep schedule is, most likely, far from ideal. Getting more sleep can help your mind refocus, recharge, and re-balance. This can mean a quick nap, a night when you go to bed early, or a promise to yourself to stick with a regular sleep schedule. Sometimes, one good nights sleep can be all you need to hit the ground running amidst a stressful time. 3. Get Some (Healthy!) Food Similar to your sleep habits, your eating habits may have gone by the wayside when you started school. Think about what—and when—youve eaten over the past few days. You may think your stress is psychological, but you could also be feeling physical stress (and putting on the Freshman 15) if youre not fueling your body appropriately. Go eat something balanced and healthy: fruits and veggies, whole grains, protein. Make your mama proud with what you choose for dinner tonight! 4.  Get Some Exercise You may think that if you dont have the time to sleep and eat properly, you definitely dont have the time to exercise. Fair enough, but if youre feeling stressed, it may be that you need to squeeze it in somehow. Exercise doesnt necessarily have to involve a 2-hour, exhausting workout at the campus gym. It can mean a relaxing, 30-minute walk while listening to your favorite music. In fact, in a little over an hour, you can 1) walk 15 minutes to your favorite off-campus restaurant, 2) eat a quick and healthy meal, 3) walk back, and 4) take a power nap. Imagine how much better youll feel! 5. Get Some Quiet Time Take one moment and think: when was the last time you had some quality, quiet time alone? Personal space for students in college rarely exists. You may share your room, your bathroom, your classrooms, your dining hall, the gym, the bookstore, the library, and anywhere else you go during an average day. Finding a few moments of peace and quiet—with no cell phone, roommates, or crowds—might be just what you need. Stepping out from the crazy college environment for a few minutes can do wonders for reducing your stress. 6.  Get Some Social Time Have you been working on that English paper for three days straight? Can you even see what youre writing anymore for your chemistry lab? You could be stressed because youre being too focused on getting things done. Dont forget that your brain is like a muscle, and even it needs a break every once in a while! Take a break and see a movie. Grab some friends and go out dancing. Hop a bus and hang out downtown for a few hours. Having a social life is an important part of your college experience, so dont be afraid to keep it in the picture when youre stressed. It could be when you need it most! 7. Make Work More  Fun You may be stressed about one particular thing: a final paper due Monday, a class presentation due Thursday. You basically just need to sit down and plow through it. If this is the case, try to figure out how to make it a little more fun and enjoyable. Is everyone writing final papers? Agree to work together in your room for 2 hours and then order pizza together for dinner. Do a lot of your classmates have huge presentations to put together? See if you can reserve a classroom or room in the library where you can all work together and share supplies. You may just lower everyones stress level. 8. Get Some Distance You may be handling your own problems and trying to help others around you. While this can be nice for them, check in and be honest with yourself about how your helpful demeanor may be causing more stress in your life. Its okay to take a step back and focus on yourself for a little while, especially if you are stressed and your academics are at risk. After all, how can you keep helping others if youre not even in a state to help yourself? Figure out which things are causing you the most stress and how you can take a step back from each. And then, most importantly, take that step. 9. Get a Little Help It can be hard to ask for help, and unless your friends are psychic, they may not know how stressed out you are. Most college students are going through the same things at the same thing, so dont feel silly if you need to just vent for 30 minutes over coffee with a friend. It may help you process out what you need to do, and help you realize that the things you are so stressed about are actually pretty manageable. If youre afraid of dumping too much on a friend, most colleges have counseling centers specifically for their students. Dont be afraid to make an appointment if you think it will help. 10. Get Some Perspective College life can be overwhelming. You want to hang out with your friends, join clubs, explore off campus, join a fraternity or sorority, and be involved in the campus newspaper. It can sometimes feel like there arent enough hours in the day. Thats because there arent. Theres only so much any person can handle, and you need to remember the reason why youre in school: academics. No matter how exciting your co-curricular life can be, you wont be able to enjoy any of it if you dont pass your classes. Make sure to keep your eye on the prize and then head out and change the world!